External audit is an independent function that provides assurance that the financial statements of an organisation are free from material mis-statement and are in accordance with relevant legislation and accounting standards. Besides helping you meet the statutory requirements, we strive to ‘add value’ by taking the opportunity to review your financial and management systems. By focusing on key risk areas, we can often enhance business systems and controls by recommending practical solutions and enhancements that can improve your business performance.
We see the preparation of your annual report as an opportunity to enhance your external image. A well-prepared report can have a considerable positive impact on the perception of investors, potential finance sources, customers, suppliers and prospects and which greatly improves your business prospects for the future. We pride ourselves on the working relationships we develop with clients. With direct director contact and regular communication, we strive to provide all of our clients with an individually focused and value-added professional service.
Details about our audit registration can be viewed at www.auditregister.org.uk